15 Sep 2016 / Ravenna

The 1st consumer purchasing group in Ravenna (Italy)

Up to September 30th, 2016, the residents of the Province of Ravenna can join the group to purchase photovoltaic systems and / or solar thermal.

The ''Agreement of collaboration between the City of Ravenna and Altroconsumo - capitalization of the results towards European projects and Clearstream Casarinnovabile.it FIESTA" has been signed.

Both European projects FIESTA (Families Targeted Intelligent Energy Saving Action), of which the town of Ravenna and is one of the partners, and CLEAR (about enabling Consumers to Learn, Engage with and Adopt Renewable energy technologies), are co-founded by IEE program.

The main purpose of the project FIESTA is the involvement of citizens towards energy saving objectives, offering them free audits, workshops and the creation of a customer purchasing group, the aim of the CLEAR project, of which the Altroconsumo Association is a partner, it is to provide independent and free information on renewable sources and more efficient technologies, and to create purchasing groups to make these technologies accessible to everyone through the creation of Casarinnovabile.it web platform.

By partnership with Altroconsumo, the City of Ravenna wants to invite their citizens to visit Casarinnovabile.it web platform to learn about the best technologies on the market and take part in the "Primavera Solare 2016" group for the purchase of photovoltaic systems and / or solar thermal.

Thanks to this Agreement in fact the Primavera Solare 2016 group, currently active, will be extended to residents of the Province of Ravenna up to 30 settembre 2016. The purpose of this group is to help consumers save on the purchase of a photovoltaic system and a solar thermal system, ensuring high efficiency and low environmental impact.


  • Trieste

    Comune di Trieste
    via della Procureria 2A
    34121 Trieste


    auditor: Valentina Fernetti

    tel: 040 675 8336
    e-mail: sportellofiesta@comune.trieste.it


    Orario di apertura:

    Lunedì 14.30-17.00

    Mercoledì 9.00-12.30



  • Forli

    Comune di Forlì
    Piazzetta della Misura, 5,
    47121 Forlì

    auditor: Fabrizio Chinaglia

    tel: 0543 712434
    e-mail: sportelloenergia@comune.forli.fc.it


    Orario di apertura:

    Lunedì 9:00 - 12:00
    Giovedì 15:00 - 18:00.

  • Ravenna

    Comune di Ravenna
    Piazzale Farini, 21 - 2° piano
    48121 Ravenna

    auditor: Silvia Rossi

    tel: 0544 482674
    e-mail: sportelloenergia@comune.ra.it


    Orario di apertura: 

    Mercoledì 9.00 - 13.00

    Giovedì 14.30 - 17.00


  • Logrono

    Ayuntamiento de Logroño
    Punto de Información
    Ahorro de Energía
    Avda. de la Paz, 11

    Teléfono: 941 27 70 00 (ext.1440/ext.1438)

  • Pamplona

    Ayuntamiento de Pamplona
    Punto Infoenergía
    C/ Uztarroz s/n, 1ª planta
    (Monasterio Viejo de San Pedro),

    Teléfono: 948 420 991
    Email: infoenergia@pamplona.es

    Horas de trabajo: de lunes a viernes de 9 a 14 h.

  • Zaragoza


  • Pola

    Grad Pula –Pola
    Giardini 2,
    52100 Pula

    Tel: 0992269574
    E-mail: enu@pula.hr

  • Rijeka

    Grad Rijeka

    RI INFO – Korzo 18b

    51000 Rijeka


    Tel: 051 209 616

    E-mail: marin.luburic@rijeka.hr

  • Zadar

    Grad Zadar
    Brne Krnarutića 13
    23000 Zadar

    Tel: 023/208 043
    E-mail: graditeljstvo@grad-zadar.hr


  • Vratsa

    Община Враца
    ул. “Стефанаки Савов” №6, , гр.
    Враца 3000

    Телефон: 092 62 95 63
    Имейл: energyhelpdesk_vratsa@abv.bg

  • Pazardjik

    Община Пазарджик
    Бул. България №2, Общинска
    администрация - Пазарджик, гр.
    Пазарджик 4400

    Телефон: +359 34 402289 
    Имейл: fiestadesk.pz@abv.bg 

  • Burgas

    Община Бургас
    ул. „Климент Охридски“ № 3, гр.
    Бургас 8000

    Телефон: 056 89 87 38


  • Larnaka

    Δήμος Λάρνακας

    Δημοτικό Μέγαρο

    Λεωφόρος Αθηνών

    Τ.Θ. 40445

    6300 Λάρνακα

    τηλέφωνο24 816531
    ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο: a.karakatsanis@larnaka.com


  • Limassol

    Δήμος Λεμεσού

    Γωνία Σαλαμίνας – Αθηνών

    Τ.Θ. 50089

    3600 Λεμεσός

    τηλέφωνο25 362996

    ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο: fiesta@limassolmunicipal.com.cy